Twitter RDD Tipbot (@tipreddcoin) shutdown/transition announcement

To all ReddHeads and crypto enthusiasts who’ve used the Reddcoin Twitter Tipbot, please pay attention to the following: The Twitter Tipbot has worked quite reliably until present date, but has been down for a number of days as far as public tipping. Direct message interaction with the bot should still work. After some research into […]
Reddcoin in the BITA 50 crypto market index

Reddcoin Core is pleased to announce that we’ve been informed that the quality of our coin, community, and intrinsic awesomeness of team, technology and supporters have led BITA Data, a cryptocurrency information provider, to include Reddcoin in their crypto market index, the BITA 50 (B50). Allowing for larger institutions to easily find, research and invest […]
It is official: Reddcoin is a Utility Token!

Reddcoin Core is pleased to announce that on June 4th, 2018, working with Reddcoin Solutions LLC and suitable legal counsel, we have obtained required legal documentation defining Reddcoin (RDD) as a Utility Token, rather than a Security (or Securitized) Token.Obtaining this document has been a long-awaited and required step for many of the larger and more […]
Reddcoin listed on the Indian KoinOK Exchange

We are happy to announce that Reddcoin is now available for people from India, as Reddcoin is now listed on one of their exchanges: KoinOK. Reddcoin can now be bought, sold and traded using India Rupees (RDD/INR). As a welcome promotion, KoinOK has over 200,000 RDD in giveaways in deposit and trading reward contests.
Reddcoin listed on BiteBTC Exchange

Reddcoin is proud to announce that BiteBTC exchange has listed Reddcoin (RDD/BTC). This exchange is based in Singapore, so we are confident the Singaporean traders – and those worldwide – will find their way to Reddcoin via BiteBTC. By starting this cooperation, BiteBTC plans to actively attract large institutional investors to trade ReddCoin, and this […]
Ask Me Anything March 2018

The #Reddcoin Core Team held an “AMA” (Ask Me Anything) Question & Answer session on Saturday, March 17th, which can be found here. In this AMA, the best, or most appropriate questions with their answers are presented, and we hope this will be the first in a series of engagements with the team. This AMA […]
Reddcoin Public Roadmap for 2018

As promised, the Reddcoin Core development team has published our anticipated Public Roadmap for 2018 and beyond which can be found here. Reddcoin has been and continues to be a team effort, but the team is growing by leaps and bounds! We welcome input and feedback from the community, and remember, we are all part […]
Bi-Weekly Development Update

Good Afternoon / Evening everyone, A few weeks back I promised that if there was ever a two-week gap in announcements, I would make a quick update on progress by the team. Since the last major announcement was 13 days ago, I thought I would take a few seconds to post some progress. First up, […]
Reddcoin project to-do list and details

Dear fellow Reddheads: Hereby I provide details of the items on the to-do list of the Reddcoin project. I list the items, which you can think of as mini-milestones, in ascending order of expected delivery time. For each item, I provide a description, an estimated difficulty rating (for the purpose of a benchmark, I rate […]
Reddheads newsletter special edition – an interview with Laudney

Today lead dev Laudney proposed doing an interview for the next Reddheads newsletter. Those of you who have followed the newsletter since the beginning will remember that for issue no.1 (launched 8 October 2014) I ran some questions by Laudney regarding the then-newly-launched Reddsight blockchain explorer and APIs, and Social X . For this upcoming newsletter […]