An open letter from one member

Hey guys, As many of you know, I’ve been following Reddcoin almost from its beginning, first as a regular member of the community, and more recently as a part of the development team. I’ve spearheaded our efforts to build out a wiki page with information about Reddcoin, organized a week long treasure hunt, and done […]
My Graduation Thesis & Reddcoin

Hi there Reddcoin community! I’ve had less time to commit to Reddcoin project, over the course of the last months of 2014. That’s about to change. 🙂 I’ll now be working on my graduation thesis, which is going to be all about Reddcoin and Simplified Payment Verification (SPV). To conclude my research, I’ll be developing […]
Reddcoin Social Wallet is now open-source

Dear fellow Reddheads: We are happy to announce that Reddcoin social wallet is now open source under GNU Licence v2. It’s a cross-platform desktop application written in Javascript, based on nodewebkit and AngularJS frameworks. Although it has some compatibility issues under Mac OS X and some other outstanding issues, it’s an excellent attempt at improving […]
Official release for Qt wallet and reddcoind v1.4.1.0

Dear fellow Reddheads: I’ve committed the fix that makes staking stuck when certain blocks with abnormal timestamps are accepted and made a new release v. This is not a fork of any kind, just a routine fix. I urge everyone to upgrade ASAP, especially stakers. I’m only able to release the binary for Mac OS […]
Regarding the few long block intervals on Reddcoin network

Sorry guys. I’m on a business trip so only saw this last night. I’d like to clarify some technical details. First, it’s incorrect to say the Reddcoin network is down. The network works as it should: nodes relay block and transaction information to each other and most importantly all the nodes on the network agree […]
Decentralised public proofs of social network identities

Dear fellow Reddheads: A crucial piece of Social X is a decentralised system that allows storage and verification of public proofs of a person’s social network identities. For example, to send Reddcoin to a person on Youtube, we need to first verify that the Youtube user (represented by a username) is the actual owner of […]
Review of the last 2 months and update on development progress

Dear fellow Reddheads: The stage one of the Reddcoin Project, from February to August 2014, was about fair distribution and transition from PoW to PoSV. After a few weeks of summer break, at the beginning of September, the project entered stage two which is all about Social X. When I unveiled Social X, I described […]
[] The Reddcoin Wiki site is ready for action!

A month and a half back, I announced a new community initiative, . When I announced the project, we had a very bare-bones collection of information on the site, and a number of volunteers pitched in to help build up the site’s content. For the past two months, we have been working on the initial […]
Official blockchain explorer and APIs

Dear fellow Reddheads: We are glad to announce the official blockchain explorer and APIs . official blockchain explorer There isn’t much to say. We want to create an explorer that’s fast and user friendly. We think you’d like it. official blockchain APIs The explorer also acts as the server of blockchain APIs in JSON (and of […]
Reddcoin community website

Hello community, Over the past couple of weeks I’ve been working with some members of the Reddcoin team to revamp some of the functionality on the Reddcoin community website . This activity was born of an initial discussion I had with laudney regarding taking on the role of chief editor for the website. Although the team […]