Dear fellow Reddheads:

PoSV Release Candidate 1 (RC1) is now available for download here. This is for testnet only. PoSV starts at block 29999, which allows everyone to CPU mine about 2 billion more RDD.

If this is your first time participating in testing

  1. Download the binaries for Windows/Linux/Mac OS X
  2. Encrypt your wallet.dat, which is a must for staking (i.e. minting) later.
  3. Start your daemon / QT wallet with testnet=1 addnode= genproclimit=4 either on command line or in config file. This will create 4 threads for CPU mining. You can change the number of threads as you wish.
  4. Wait for the testnet blockchain to sync. After a while, you’ll start to see PoW blocks on your Transactions tab.
  5. The last PoW block is 29999. There are about 2b RDD for grab.
  6. Once PoSV kicks in, you can enable staking on QT wallet by go to menu Settings -> Unlock Wallet. You will see a new checkbox saying: “For staking only”. Leave it as it is. You can enable staking on daemon with RPC call “reddcoind walletpassphrase $yourpassword 9999999 true”
  7. You can check the status of staking by pointing mouse over the new icon at the bottom right corner of QT wallet, or by RPC call getstakinginfo.
  8. You’ll see your staking transactions on the Transactions tab. All of them are with type Generated.
  9. Post your testnet addresses below so we can randomly send each other coins.

If you have already participated in testing

  1. Either download the binaries or compile using tag posv_rc1 from github repo
  2. Remove everything under folder testnet except wallet.dat
  3. Start wallet with -salvagewallet to cleanse it.
  4. Now the keypool of your daemon may be zero. You need to unlock your daemon once to refill it.
  5. Restart wallet with testnet=1 addnode= genproclimit=4 either on command line or in config file. This will create 4 threads for CPU mining. You can change the number of threads as you wish.
  6. CPU mine until block 29999 and start staking afterwards.

Please post any question below.



P.S. We have successfully entered PoSV phase at block 29999 on testnet. Unlock your wallet and join us in minting now! We need more full nodes. Please start sending each other coins. All should work.

P.P.S. I’ve noticed that if you have sent coins to others and then restart wallet, it’ll crash due to corrupted database and you’d have no choice but to delete everything except wallet.dat and resync. I’m looking into this. Meanwhile, try not to restart your wallet.

P.P.P.S. If you for some reason put gen=0 in your config file, it’ll disable staking. You can check the status of generation using two RPC calls: getgenerate and setgenerate

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