Downloadable from our trusted site, the newest incremental version of the ReddCoin (RDD) Core wallet is available for use now.
If you’re staking, the newest release version is always the best to be using, and with this release, we are at v3.10.4. Instaling ReddCoin Core wallet on top of existing installs is always safe as existing wallet and blockchain files aren’t touched, but it’s always good to have a backup!
Only a few changes in this version, including “reddcoin://” URI handling and other minor fixes; the really exciting advancements are being included in what’s essentially a new build based on BTC 0.22, which will be versioned at v4.22.x. Look for upcoming messaging around how to get involved in testing the new v4.22 wallets.
Also, and more exciting, ReddHeads may notice the new blog/journal publishing site we’ve launched. We hope to use this as a central source of not only existing information on ReddCoin, Project Redd, and related resources, but also a live update stream and behind-the-scenes view of what’s really happening with Redd. Contributors, writers, content creators all welcome, and possibly tipped in RDD! 🙂