Reddcoin products and services coming in August and September
Dear fellow Reddheads:
Mandatory upgrade to wallet
First thing first. If you are a mining pool, you should stay at and for everyone else, you must upgrade to now. For instructions, details and FAQs, read this post.
About developers and expectation
With PoSV about to start in about 48 hours, the Reddcoin project is just getting started. Here I’d like to manage your expectation. The project depends on the continuous efforts of several developers who all work on a voluntary basis in their spare time. Our dev team is for sure one of the most talented, dedicated and hard working teams in the cryptocurrency world right now and everyone is driven by self-motivation and self-discipline. The very nature and structure of the project at this moment means it’s difficult to tell you exactly when each product will be released, which is why I provide fairly frequent update to keep you all in the loop. But no product or service grows on trees, so please bear with us as we try to deliver the very best we can and please understand that there is always the possibility of some unexpected delay.
Official video (August). You have seen a few screenshots. You have seen nothing yet.
Official infographics (August). It’s time to have a bird’s view of the major pieces of the giant jigsaw puzzle and the official roadmap.
Social Wallet (August). Some of you have beta-tested and provided invaluable feedback. You’ll like the final release.
Multi-signature Wallet functionality (August). It’s already delivered in but we need better UI to unleash its power.
Hierarchical Deterministic Wallet functionality (August). HDW is extremely technical and powerful. To my best knowledge, Reddcoin will be the first altcoin to provide this. Trust me, this is a game changer.
Android light wallet. (September)
iOS iPhone / iPad light wallet(September)
Progress update on next-gen social tipping platform (August/September). You have voted. We have listened. You’ll find out more as it continues to take shape.
And one more thing
Social X: I have been working on a super secret new service (feature) that’s integrated with PoSV. It’s so new, so exciting, so much fun and so hard to describe in a few sentences that I’ll publish the second whitepaper in early September. You know I don’t write whitepapers casually and I can’t wait to let you all know about it.
That’s it for now. Upgrade the wallet. Get ready for staking. Fasten the seat belt. We are just getting started!