[Reddcoin Twitter Bot] In Production. Migrate Your Old Balances.
Hi guys
I’m happy to announce that Reddcoin Twitter Bot is now in production. It has been changed to the new Twitter handle @tipreddcoin. There are outstanding balances at the old handle @itipyou. I tried to migrate them automatically but ran into some seriously problems. So I’m now relying on you to withdraw balance from @itipyou to @tipreddcoin. Please do the following:
If you haven’t follow @tipreddcoin, follow it.
If you have already followed @tipreddcoin, send it +register either in direct message or public tweet.
send +info to get your new address.
withdraw all your balance from @itipyou by sending +withdraw new_addr all RDD to @itipyou
Due to transaction cost 0.001 RDD, you may get warning of insufficient fund when withdrawing exactly all your balance. Try reducing withdrawal just a tiny bit. If you use the all keyword as above, it’s automatically taken care of.
Withdrawal and deposit 4 confirmation each, roughly 8 minutes for all confirmation to arrive.
I’ve also added +help to remind you the most often commands.
I’m running two bots at the same time until your balances are transferred. Thank you all for your support.
Also more excitingly, I need you all to vote for the next social network bot for me to work on.: Flickr? Steam? I’ll need to look at their APIs and find out how feasible they are. But cast your vote now!