ReddCoin Core Wallet v3.10.6 – April 2023 Release

ReddCoin Core 3.10.6 LatestEdit: ReddCoin Core 3.10.6Delete: ReddCoin Core 3.10.6 Reddcoin Core Wallet version 3.10.6 is now available from: Directly from This release contains improvements to advanced feature activation, binary signature, and other fixes and improvements. Details available in release notes below or at github repo. For the full release notes please see the […]


Reddcoin (RDD) Core releases v3.10.0 Reddcoin Core Wallet – Recommended Upgrade Much like a still, rippling pond, almost all of the work done to bring out v3.10.0 of Reddcoin Core as the new reference release for 2020 has taken place under the surface of the Core wallet. An insane amount of work, testing and love […]